![Average Rent Prices in Malden](http://www.maldenpads.com/images/08-17/1501613095-average-rent-prices-in-malden.jpg)
Malden Pads has assembled and shared an infographic on average rent prices in Malden. The rent price information came from the immense Boston Pads database, which contains more than 156,000 Boston apartments, over 500,000 photos, and over 8,000 property videos.
The averages in the infographic were taken from a sample size of 341 Malden apartments which Malden Pads is currenting listing or which were rented in the past 12 months. The real time vacancy rate came from adding the total number of available apartments with any units becoming available in the next few months, then dividing by the number of units in Malden. Population and income level data was sourced from the United States Census Bureau.
Out of 22 towns, cities, and Boston neighborhoods studied, Malden ranks amongst the most affordable for all apartment sizes. It is in the top 5 least expensive for all unit types except 5-bedroom apartments, for which it ranks 7th least costly. For 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom, and 4-bedroom apartments, the average Malden rent price is 2nd most affordable. Malden studios rank at 4th, and 3-bedoom apartments are the least pricey in Malden out of all areas studied.
Average rent prices in Malden are generally lower than average rent prices in Medford, a city that borders it on the west. Studio and 1-bedroom apartments cost, on average, about the same in both Greater Boston cities. But, as units become bigger, renters can expect to pay less in Malden than Medford. For 2-bedroom, 3-bedroom, 4-bedroom, and 5-bedroom apartments, Medford renters pay at least about $150 more than Malden renters. The difference reaches nearly $600 for 4-bedrooms.
Studio |
$1,282.96 |
$1,229.00 |
1 Bedroom |
$1,543.60 |
$1,546.26 |
2 Bedrooms |
$1,866.93 |
$2,135.76 |
3 Bedrooms |
$2,355.40 |
$2,484.90 |
4 Bedrooms |
$2,584.44 |
$3,170.79 |
5 Bedrooms |
$3,666.67 |
$4,112.50 |
About Malden Pads
Malden Pads is the most comprehensive real estate portal on the web for Malden, MA. It is powered by the Boston Pads database, which collects and offers detailed information on nearly every Boston neighborhood and suburb to renters and landlords alike. To get a snapshot of the rental market in a given area, landlords – or any interested parties – may call Boston Pads any day of the week. Trained phone staff members and licensed real estate agents answer these calls and offer callers information on current rent prices, vacancy rates, lease timing, and more. This is a priceless resource to local landlords who need good data to help them maximize rental income and reduce vacancy times.
This data driven, local-centered approach has allowed Boston Pads to build a network of over 16,000 landlords. These landlords who list their properties with Boston Pads ensure their properties get the widest possible marketing coverage from one trusted source. Boston Pads posts their listings to over 80 locally optimized rental listing websites, nearly every national rental platform like Craigslist, Zillow, and Trulia, and more than 100 local social media pages on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.
The Boston Pads model of targeted, widespread marketing and timely,
superior data has distinguished it as the real estate and information technology leader in New England. Their suite of technologies is scalable, adaptable to any market, and can be utilized by any real estate agency or landlord. This platform can help businesses save time, increase revenue, and beat the competition.
To see more average rent prices for areas in greater Boston, check out a Boston Pads infographic on average rent prices in Boston by town.